Upgrade Your Life

with ERT Experience

Emotion Release Technique (ERT) is a process that allows me to assess your nervous system for 'stuck' emotions. These stuck emotions are the underlying driver to many dis-ease patterns, self sabotaging behaviours, negative self talk and much more (click here to learn more about ERT).


Group ERT is a fantastic way to utilise this tool, as not only do you get individualised emotional clearing, you get to see that you are not alone in your struggles. You form a community understanding and help support each other in ways that you never think about individually. This is powerful stuff! 

Upgrade Your Life Experience

  • Weekly guided group ERT
  • Set topics over 4 weeks
  • Personalised emotional clearing
  • Supportive and private group container

My Upgrade Your Life Experience (UYLE), is a fantastic way to get a taste of group ERT and clear emotions affecting specific blocks in your life. In this short time frame group program, you will see amazing results in the key area for the group you join. I will be running the following group topics in 2024:

* Parenting - mum guilt, mum rage, having time, and being present  - Sunday 16th June to Sunday 7th July

* Self Love Sessions - confidence, worthiness, deserving and compassion -  Sunday 28th July to Sunday 18th August

* Hormone Healing - easier and more aligned cycles, symptom free periods and honouring your womanhood - Sunday 25th August to Sunday 15th September



An Upgrade Your Life Experience is $180 for 4 weeks. That's one hour of ERT clearing every week for 4 weeks. 


Claim your spot in my next UYLE now

UYLE Testimonials


Sharon McMahon

"When we started I didn't know that every event in our lives is imprinted in us. To explore emotions that I didn't know that were there. I would 5 out of 5 recommend this to anyone thinking of joining UYLE, as you just never know what emotions are blocking you from enjoying a full life."

Ashleigh Hackett

"I have told my family it’s like therapy without the therapy. ERT has allowed me to understand various events and themes in my life, many that I hadn’t thought about in well over a decade, and how they have impacted me into adult life and particularly motherhood. If you’re feeling stuck in a pattern, you probably are, and ERT can help to move you through and beyond that."

How do you know group ERT is right for you?

Do you think you are reasonably healthy but there is just something missing?

A something you can't quite put your finger on but that isn't quite right? 

You eat well, are pretty happy and are doing the right things but there is just..... something.

Maybe you try to implement some new health practices but never follow through on them. 

Maybe it's when you look in the mirror and your self-talk just isn't how you would be talking to your friends (or how you would let them talk to you!) 

Or possibly, you are just looking for that something that will mean you have more patience, more time, more space and more love in your life? 

The something that is holding you back is stuck emotions and the something that is missing from your healing tool kit is Emotion Release Technique (ERT).

As a result of stuck emotions you may find yourself: 

  • Unmotivated to exercise or stick to your new routine

  • Losing your temper easily at your kids

  • Unable to express your true feelings and needs

  • Feeling rushed and like you never have enough time

  • Feeling unappreciated and overworked

  • Feeling too guilty to put yourself first

  • Struggling to really love life

This is where Emotion Release Technique (ERT) can help you.


I have seen first hand the huge difference ERT has had on my own, and my client's, mindset, abundance and happiness with life. That is why I have created the "Upgrade Your Life with ERT Experience".  

Using ERT, I can specifically identify your personal blocks that are affecting your day to day life and help integrate them so you can achieve your dreams and goals in an easier efficient way. In this intimate online group, we will explore the common blocks around general life topics and clear them.

Using ERT to clear these blocks can help you:

  • Easily implement new health routines and strategies

  • Become motivated and get stuff done

  • Have more patience and space for those around you

  • Be unrushed and feel like you have time

  • Take care of yourself with love and gratitude

  • Rest 

  • Choose nourishing foods for yourself

  • Accomplish tasks with clarity and calmness

Are you ready to upgrade your life with ERT now? 

I will be running the following group topics in 2024:

* Hormone Healing - easier and more aligned cycles, symptom free periods and honouring your womanhood - Sunday 19th May to Sunday 9th June

* Self Love Sessions - confidence, worthiness, deserving and compassion -  Sunday 16th June to Sunday 7th July

* Parenting - mum guilt, mum rage, having time, and being present  - Sunday 28th July to Sunday 18th August



An Upgrade Your Life Experience is $180 for 4 weeks. That's one hour of ERT clearing every week for 4 weeks. 

Join now


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