Nervous System Regulation: Managing Emotions and Achieving Harmony
Aug 12, 2024
After discussing nervous system DYSregulation last week, lets look more deeply in to what it is to be regulated.
Nervous System Regulation: Feeling Negative Emotions is Normal
Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? It's time to understand that nervous system regulation doesn't mean you'll never feel negative emotions. Actually, a regulated nervous system means you will manage these emotions effectively, leading you to feel calmer, respond appropriately and be able to easily make more aligned choices for your life.
Creating and maintaining a regulated nervous system is crucial for overall health and well-being. Chronic stress and nervous system dysregulation can lead to numerous health issues, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, digestive problems, and cardiovascular diseases. By creating nervous system regulation, you enhance your physical and mental health, improve your emotional resilience, and increase your overall quality of life.
As you begin to regulate your nervous system, you will also find that you create joy in the mundane activities of life. When you are able to incorporate joy into your daily life, even in mundane tasks, it can have profound effects on your nervous system. It helps to:
- Reduce Stress: Enjoying simple pleasures can lower stress levels and promote relaxation.
- Increase Mindfulness: Being present in the moment enhances mindfulness and emotional regulation.
- Boost Happiness: Finding joy in small things contributes to overall happiness and well-being.
So it is this lovely little positive feedback loop; where, as you regulate your nervous system, you can find more joy and contentment in your everyday life and as you find that joy, you regulate your nervous system even more. Pretty cool hey?
What is Nervous System Regulation?
Let's take a little look at the more scientific definition of what nervous system regulation is; it refers to the ability of your autonomic nervous system (ANS) to maintain a state of balance. The ANS comprises two main branches: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The SNS triggers the fight-or-flight response during stressful situations, while the PNS promotes rest and digestion. A well-regulated nervous system can smoothly transition between these states, allowing you to respond to stress appropriately and return to a state of calm afterward. It is the harmonious transition between the different states of your nervous system that is what regulated refers to.
A well-regulated nervous system looks like:
- Resilience to Stress: You can handle stressful situations without becoming overwhelmed.
- Emotional Harmony: You experience a full range of emotions but aren't controlled by them.
- Physical Well-being: You notice fewer physical symptoms, illnesses or health conditions.
- Calm and Focused Mind: You can think clearly and make decisions even when stressed or emotional.
- Contentment and Clarity: You make decisions from a place of intuition and authenticity (rather than stress, ego or trauma) and so your life path is much clearer and more aligned with your true desires and goals.
How to Create Nervous System Regulation
Creating a regulated nervous system involves two main strategies, focusing on the fundamental pillars of health and consistent emotion release.
Fundamental Pillars of Health
Often you will see a blogger, influencer, family or friend member shouting from the roof tops about the latest product or activity that will change your life and make you the healthiest you've ever been. I'm sorry to tell you but there is never really one magic bullet that will make your health do a 360 for the better. These so called miracle products can absolutely help and create huge changes in someone's life, I do not doubt that at all. But often it is not long lasting or it is too hard or expensive to maintain. Many of the products are also beneficial because they are replacing a component of natural, traditional living that you can replicate in your life for basically free, it might just not look as cool, be as easy or as fun. The three main example I can think of to give you are:
1) supplements (replacing a traditional wholefoods diet that is seasonal and nutrient dense)
2) red light or full spectrum lights, or blue blocking glasses and apps (replacing getting out in the sun at different times of the day and turning lights of and going to bed at a decent time)
3) fancy water filters that make hydrogen water, EZ water, structured water and so on (replacing drinking pure spring water)
I actually think those three things aren't bad if used mindfully and in conjunction with changing your lifestyle to a more nature aligned one and addressing all of the fundamental pillars of health. However, if you are using them in isolation and replacing the nature aligned life and hoping they will fix all of your problems, you are throwing your money and time away.
Addressing the fundamental pillars of health does not mean you need to do every part perfectly, every day of your life. If you are even touching on each of them at 20% or so, you will notice a huge shift in your health, more so than doing one pillar at 100% (for example having the 'perfect' diet, but not addressing any other pillar).
The fundamental pillars of health are:
- Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods- Seasonal, Local, Organic, Whole.
- Hydration: Quality water in an appropriate amount. Please don't get me started on the idea you need to be drinking 4L a day (face palm)
- Movement/Exercise: Regular physical activity and incidental movement. Not just intense sessions at a gym or class but consistent daily movement in a range of motions
- Sleep/Rest: Quality (not just quantity) sleep is essential. This also includes taking breaks during your day and enjoying periods of peace and rest.
- Sun/Light: Getting a range of light into your eyes and on your skin and minimising artificial light at night.
- Air/Breathing: Dysfunctional breathing is rife in our society and is a crucial pillar that must be addressed through multiple avenues
- Connection and Relationships: Your connection to yourself, the Earth and the people around you
And underlying these fundamental pillars as the foundation of all nervous system regulation and whole body health is emotional release. Regularly releasing stuck emotions and reprogramming your nervous system is crucial for nervous system regulation. Emotion Release Technique (ERT) helps you process and release stored emotions, reducing the burden on your nervous system and allowing you to more easily implement the fundamental pillars and allow them to work more effectively to support your health.
The activities you can implement to address the fundamental pillars of health (and doing ERT) are all incredibly simple, often even free and something you can do within 5 minutes of your day. HOWEVER, just because they are simple, does not mean they are easy. This process is often uncomfortable and you will find you have a lot of resistance to doing it. When you can push through the discomfort and overcome the resistance, the magic waiting for you on the other side is undeniable.
I would be honored to be your guide on your journey to regulating your nervous system, please join me in my membership to get weekly ERT clearing and see the benefits of a regulated nervous system in your own life.