Upgrade Your Life with ERT

Weekly group ERT sessions for women ready to clear emotional blocks, reduce stress, feel calmer, and more connected to their body.

Are you done with:

  • Being confused by your health issues
  • Being unmotivated
  • Self-sabotaging your goals
  • Being unable to stick to protocols
  • Doubting yourself and your
  • Wishing life was easier

Are you ready to:

  • Feel happy, healthy and energetic
  • Achieve lasting wellness (rather than quick fix patches)
  • Rediscover your authentic self
  • Love yourself and the body you're in
  • Become a better mother, wife, business owner
  • Achieve your goals with more ease
Join Now and Begin Your Transformation!

Why the Emotion Release Technique (ERT) helps you thrive...

There are many signs that something isn’t quite right: 

Struggling to do things you know you should

❖ Making self-sabotaging decisions

❖ Minor situations cause emotional overwhelm and outbursts

❖ Unmotivated and easily distracted

❖ Health problems that don’t go away

All of these are common signs that something isn’t quite right. But they’re difficult to understand and explain because the deepest part of yourself speaks a different language to your conscious and rational mind.

That’s where ERT comes in.

ERT is the interpreter that communicates with your nervous system and subconscious mind. It brings deep-rooted emotional problems to the surface and releases them, giving you the freedom to thrive.

How does ERT work?

Emotions build up and become stuck for many reasons. They’re like safety blankets we wrap around our heart and soul to protect the precious parts of ourselves.

However, these layers eventually stifle us, drag us down and obscure our true vision.
Each time a layer is removed is a step closer to freeing yourself from the constricting beliefs and emotions of these 'blankets'.

ERT is a technique that allows me to assess your nervous system. It uses a blend of touch, muscle response and subconscious recall to communicate with your inner self in a way the conscious mind cannot.

It’s based on the connection between mind and body. Research has shown that times of emotional stress trigger the release of neuropeptides. These can attach to receptors on the neurons and cells of tissues throughout the body.

Whenever we experience those emotional stressors again, the body acts to prevent it. This can manifest in anxiety, self-sabotaging behaviours, pain and illness.

Clearing out these emotional blockers through ERT enables your body’s natural processes to flow properly and live a more fulfilled and authentic life.

Join Now and Begin Your Transformation!

What are the possible outcomes with ERT?

Heart with healing icon

Emotional Healing

  • A safe, non-intrusive way to deal with trauma
  • Experience a sense of relief and emotional freedom
  • Feel resilient and able to cope with life’s challenges
Relaxed icon

Stress Reduction

  • Ease physical symptoms of chronic stress and tension
  • Promotes relaxation and self-care
  • Feel unrushed and like you have more time
Relationship icon

Healthier Relationships

  • Improved communication, become a better listener
  • Deeper connections, greater empathy and openness
  • More time and patience for others
Self awareness icon

Enhanced Self-Awareness

  • Feel motivated and focussed to get things done
  • Feel comfortable in your own skin
  • Remain calm under pressure
  • Find happiness in the mundane moments of life
Healthy body icon

Physical Well-Being

  • Alleviates physical symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome and constipation
  • Supports your body's natural healing processes and hormonal balance
  • Become intuitive with choices around food and exercise, supporting weight loss




Upgrade Your Life with ERT Membership

To see the best results with regulating your nervous system, you need to be consistently processing emotions and clearing blocks. This is why the UYLM is the perfect thing for you to address physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, providing a truly holistic approach to healing. The group setting not only offers support but also shows you that you're not alone in your journey.


The membership includes a 1-hour group ERT session every Sunday at 9:30am (Sydney, Australia time). This regular commitment helps you maintain progress and stay on track with your wellness journey.


There are two ways to join: 



monthly commitment

  • Personalised ERT clearing support tailored to your goals
  • Weekly 1-hour group sessions
  • Safe and supportive group environment

Six Monthly


six month commitment

  • All the same as monthly
  • 3 free make up sessions
  • 6 months for the price of 5

Mariah's Experience with ERT and the Membership

I am ready to join!

Frequently Asked Questions




Upgrade Your Life with ERT Membership Info Pack

Enter your details below to receive an UYLM info pack to find out more about the membership, the ERT process and what a session with me looks like. 

By submitting this form, you will also be subscribed to my weekly newsletter. I will never spam you or sell your info.